Thursday, 10 March 2011

Thursday Keynote

Today's morning keynote (they bookend the day) was a slight departure from the planned and programmed one; Thursday and Friday flipped so we had Patrick Copeland, the man who saved Google 700 years of engineering. Whatever that means.
It was slick, entertaining, started with a far better joke than yesterday's keynote, and a full report will come. My notes are copious and time to type them up is limited. Still, no freebie beer party this evening, so I shall see what I can do then. Not from the hotel, though. They want 15quid a day for internet.
Phone call for the Marriott County Hall, this is 2012 calling. Please pick up.

This is not that report. These are the answers to the questions you have been asking yourselves. It would be easier to ask me directly, but it's ok, the psy abilities are stronger in my homeland.

  1. Yes Google really do encourage you do to your own stuff. All of the time. They hunt out innovators and reward them.
  2. Yes, they are a bit scary and you might have to recalibrate your morality before you go and work for them
  3. The typeface of choice for the presentation was Courier New.
Courier new. We're so high tech we come out the other end.

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